March 30th, 2007 at 05:27 pm
Woo hoo!
I last reported that my area Kroger refused my Internet coupons. Well, I fought back... and won!
First, I called the store itself. Left a message for the manager to call me back. I didn't hear anything, so I called Corporate to find out their official policy with regard to Internet coupons. I was advised that some stores accepted them, but that none of the stores in the Knoxville area would take Internet coupons.
I explained to them about the security and anti-fraud measures now in place from coupon providers like SmartSource and Coupons, Inc. I also described how it seemed like a mixed message when Kroger prominently displayed "blinkie" machines with emblazoned on them, yet they wouldn't accept coupons from that very website. I was assured that they'd forward my comments on to my local store's manager.
Well, today my phone rang and it was the manager from the local Kroger. He assured me that he just announced to all his employees that his store would now accept Internet coupons.
YEAH, Baby!
Posted in
March 19th, 2007 at 11:10 pm
I am not on a coupon train. In fact, I never even heard of them until I started looking here. I thought they sounded like a good idea... so, I've looked around for one that I could join.
All I can say is, you have GOT to be kidding me.
Just about all of them have done everything short of ask me for a copy of my latest credit report! Several require that you have at least 75 forum posts to join. Another one, based on Yahoo, was downright snotty to me. The Conductress demanded to know why I was asking to join HER group out of all the other ones that are out there. Then, she demanded to know how I found out about her group (through a google search) and requested that I provide the link that led me to her group's page on Yahoo.
I have tons of coupons that I do not use, will never use, and would be glad to share them with someone who WOULD use them. But NOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Now, I understand the desire to weed out people who get lazy and fail to mail out their envelopes on time. But give me a break! There is no need to be snotty and declare yourself Grand High Poobah of Upper Butt-Crack and become all high and mighty about it.
To the Coupon Sovreigns who think they're too good to associate with us peons, I say PBLLLLLLLLLLLLLT!
Having said that, if any of y'all are neophytes like me and would care to start our own UNDERGROUND COUPON RAILROAD - let's call it a Coupon SUBWAY - then leave a comment here and we'll get started.
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March 16th, 2007 at 08:08 pm
Last night I went to Kroger, all proud of myself because I'd had everything planned out, coupons at the ready. I was gonna fill my freezer with Bird's Eye and Green Giant veggies.
That is, until I got to the checkout.
The cashier advised me ever-so-smugly that they don't take Internet coupons anymore.
Say WHAT?!
Have any of you experienced this? If so, how did you handle it?
Posted in
March 8th, 2007 at 08:13 pm
I have five kids. Two of them are taking AdderallXR for ADHD. One month, the insurance wasn't in effect and to pay cash for the prescription? Let me just say that I had to pick myself up off the floor. Nearly $500 for two 30-day supplies.
It is nearing the time where I will have to get the prescriptions refilled (thankfully, I have reasonable insurance once again). BUT, I found an instant rebate coupon for $10 off AdderallXR.
Text is and Link is
Walgreen's is my pharmacy... let's see if they accept the coupon.
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